Report: Plastic Bag Fees Show Dramatic Results On LI


By JAY SHAH  MAR 25, 2019

Nearly 1.1 billion fewer plastic bags were used in Suffolk County last year after lawmakers passed a bag fee. That's according to a county Health Services report.

The five cent single-use plastic and paper bag fee went into effect in January 2018, and it has had striking effects.

Fewer bags are being used and showing up as pollution on the shoreline.

Adrienne Esposito, executive director for the advocacy group Citizens Campaign for the Environment, says the report shows people are open to change if it helps the environment.

“The next thing that Suffolk County could do is ban styrofoam, ban plastic straws and any kind of single-use plastic. We all have to chip in and do our part. ”

New York is considering a statewide plastic bag ban as part of its budget negotiations.