We need to have the best water possible



All Long Islanders agree about the need for clean water [“Clean-water funding is crucial in state budget,” Opinion, March 24]. Nitrogen pollution from sewage is causing water quality impairments, fish kills and harmful algal blooms. Contaminants poses a significant threat to our drinking water and health. The good news is that we know how to solve these problems, but we need money.

The Clean Water Infrastructure Act has allowed us to expand sewers, replace septic systems, install water treatment to remove toxic chemicals, combat harmful algal blooms and more, all while creating good-paying jobs. New York needs at least $80 billion to upgrade aging wastewater and drinking water infrastructure over 20 years. In 2023, Long Island municipalities and water districts applied for nearly $150 million for shovel-ready projects that have not been funded.

Unfortunately, Gov. Kathy Hochul proposed to slash clean water funding from $500 million to $250 million. Thankfully, the State Senate and Assembly restored funding in their respective budgets.

A large coalition of environmental groups, labor unions, water suppliers, wastewater treatment operators, and municipalities are pushing for $600 million in the final budget. This is a modest increase and a drop in the bucket compared to what is needed. Clean water is worth it.

— Adrienne Esposito, Farmingdale

The writer, executive director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment, chairs the state Clean Water Coalition.